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A frigid apocalypse 1.1 million years ago led to an archaic human extinction in Europe. Source: Lazy_Bear / Adobe Stock.

Massive Climate Catastrophe Froze Europe’s Earliest Humans to Death

An interdisciplinary team of archaeologists, anthropologists and earth scientists have found evidence that a severe cooling event in the North Atlantic region approximately 1.1 million years ago...
Hopewell culture serpent effigy, Turner Group, Mound 4, Little Miami Valley, Ohio.		Source: Daderot / Public domain

Legendary Hopewell Culture Destroyed By Exploding Comet, Study Says

After enjoying centuries of stability, the prosperous Native American Hopewell culture suddenly went into rapid and irreversible decline around the year 500 AD. The reasons why this happened have...
A duck effigy vessel made by mobile farmers during the period just prior to the climate catastrophe anomaly of 536 AD. Water birds hold great significance for modern Pueblo peoples, who were the descendants of ancient innovators that survived serious climate change.		Source: R. J. Sinensky / Antiquity Publications Ltd

How Ancestral Puebloans Thrived After The 536-541-AD Climate Catastrophe

A massive volcanic eruption in 536 AD resulted in dramatic climate catastrophe and the volcanic ash significantly cut the sunshine reaching Earth. As a direct result, temperatures dropped leading to...
The Prehistoric Survivors of the Doggerland Tsunami Event

The Prehistoric Survivors of the Doggerland Tsunami Event

Thousands of years ago, mainland Europe and the UK were attached by a landmass called Doggerland. A tsunami hit that land and it was believed for a time that almost all of the hunter-gatherers who...
Overhead view of the Canaanite palace excavations in Tel Kabri, Israel. Source: Timothy Pierce

When the Earth Shook, A Famous Canaanite Palace Collapsed

A mystery concerning the destruction of an important Canaanite palace may have been solved. Experts now believe that an earthquake destroyed Tel Kabri in Israel over 3000 years ago. This site was...
Representation of a volcanic super eruption. Source: Romolo Tavani /Adobe Stock

Volcanic Super-Eruption Didn’t Scare Away Humans 74,000 Years Ago

New insight has emerged on our species’ eastward dispersal out of Africa thanks to a study published in Nature Communications this week. The paper focuses on stone tools found at a site in the Son...
 Large asteroid hitting Earth

Ancient Cataclysms: 9 Catastrophes That Rocked the World

Ancient cultures around the world have passed down their tales of devastating natural disasters in oral traditions, folklore, historical accounts, pictorial representations, and through myths...
The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

‘Fire and Brimstone’ that Destroyed Biblical Sodom Matches Findings of Cosmic Catastrophe 3,700 Years Ago

Analysis of archaeological sites north of the Dead Sea demonstrate that a meteor explosion in the skies 3,700 years ago instantly obliterated a civilization and destroyed once fertile farmland in...
Meteor strike.

Did an Astronomical Body Cause the Global Floods of Ancient Myths with Its Gravitational Tidal Floods? - Part 2

This is the concluding part of a two-part article that offers a unifying scientific hypothesis that connects diverse ancient flood myths with mainstream scientific fact. Part 1 offered scientific...
An illustration of a near-Earth object, or NEO, passing by Earth.

Did an Astronomical Body Cause the Global Floods of Ancient Myths with Its Gravitational Tidal Floods? - Part 1

The following is a unifying scientific hypothesis that connects diverse ancient flood myths with mainstream scientific fact. Currently the biblical narrative of the great flood falls short of...
‘The Deluge’ (1805) by J.M.W. Turner.

The Comet that Sparked a Worldwide Flood ‘Myth’

It seems that Noah’s Great Biblical Flood was caused by comet fragments striking the earth. Isaac Newton was the first one to come up with a theory connecting the flood to a comet strike, in 1680...
Deriv; Old Father Time and Ancient Ruins and Boeing 757-300, Galaxy

Thinking Critically about Time: A Cyclical View of Knowledge and Civilization

Many people think of time as linear. In other words, human beings begin ignorant, and as the ages progress, they become increasingly more advanced. However, various cultures worldwide perceive time...
Sarcophagus of Ancient Egyptian Chief Priest Harkhebit IV. The text on the lid comes from the Book of the Dead.

Zep Tepi and the Djed Mystery: The Book of the Dead and Fallen Civilizations—Part II

Chapter XVII of the Egyptian Book of the Dead highlights an indisputable detail: ritual formulas hid proofs of prehistoric events. They were handed down orally, and after millennia they inspired the...