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Preview, Hopi, Creation Myths, Evolution, Climate Change, Aztecs, Flood, Feather Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, Tawa, Mega-Disasters, Sipapu, Grand Canyon, Spider Grandmother

Hopi Oral Traditions Of Creation Parallel Evolutionary Adaptation To Climate Change

Various spiritual traditions hold different views of how the Earth and humankind came to exist. There is the Christian view, mentioned in the Bible, Gospels not included in the Bible, and other...
Methuselah is the oldest named individual tree on Earth and is located in the White Mountains of California. Source: Yen Chao / CC BY-ND 2.0

The Oldest Living Tree on Earth is Older Than the Egyptian Pyramids

Visitors from around the world flock to visit the famed 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid of Giza , now remembered as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world . But hidden high in California’s White...
Neolithic revolution. Source: de Art / Adobe Stock.

The Neolithic Revolution: A Journey of Triumphs and Tribulations (Video)

The Neolithic era was a time of profound transformation , where humanity witnessed remarkable changes that both elevated and challenged their existence. With the advent of agriculture , civilizations...
The faces of a Neanderthal family. Source: Rawf8 / Adobe Stock.

The Art of Reconstructing the Faces of Ancient Humans (Video)

Imagine being able to step back in time and witness the early ancestors of the human race. While a time machine may not yet exist, art has the power to transport us to different eras and provide a...
African tribal warrior. Source: padnob / Adobe Stock.

When Two Tribes Meet: Watch a Pivotal Moment in Human History (Video)

The origins of human civilization are shrouded in mystery, but one thing is clear: our ancestors were not always peaceful. For millennia, different groups of early humans lived in isolated...
A reconstruction of Lucy, an Australopithecus afarensis. Source: procy_ab / Adobe Stock.

The Life and Death of ‘Lucy’ on The Prehistoric Savanna (Video)

Imagine a world vastly different from ours, teeming with creatures long extinct, and ancient human ancestors struggling to survive against all odds. That was the African savanna roughly 3.5 million...
A reconstruction of Homo habilis. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Scientists Against Myths.

Watch the Evolution from Ape to Man in this Remarkable Animation (Video)

The journey of evolution has been a long one, spanning over millions of years, and our ancestors have survived some of the toughest conditions imaginable to get where we are today. Starting from the...
The teaching of Darwinian evolution is under threat in India. Source: Andrea Izzotti / Adobe Stock

Outrage as India Deletes Darwinian Evolution from Textbooks

Never shy about courting controversy, the Hindu nationalist government of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has removed references to Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution from some school...
Representational image of human cooperation thought to have sparked the Neolithic Revolution. Source: Freve / Adobe Stock

Israeli Researchers Say Human Cooperation Sparked Neolithic Revolution

A new study by a pair of Israeli researchers published in the Royal Society journal Philosophical Transactions B puts forward a fresh and innovative theory about the causes of the Neolithic...
Jonathan the tortoise at Plantation House on Saint Helena Island in the South Atlantic. Source: Darrin Henry / Adobe Stock

190-Year-Old Jonathan the Tortoise is the Oldest Living Land Animal in the World

It’s incredible to envision all the changes which have taken place over the last two hundred years. But imagine actually living through them. Like a living time capsule , there is one land-based...
By observing chimpanzees in Tanzania, researchers concluded that humans evolved to being bipedal while they still lived in trees.       Source: Left; Mari_art / Adobe Stock; Right; Sam D'Cruz / Adobe Stock

The Evolutionary Leap to Bipedalism Took Place in Trees

Conventional wisdom says that ancient humans made the transition from walking on four legs to walking on two because they needed to travel more efficiently across open savanna land in Africa. But...
Researchers have found evidence in South Africa that Homo naledi used controlled fire within caves. Insert: Homo naledi facial reconstruction.  Source: Brilliant Eye / Adobe Stock, Insert; Cicero Moraes (Arc-Team) et alii, CC BY 4.0

Shocking Evidence Homo Naledi Used Fire 230,000 Years Ago

Ground-breaking new evidence has emerged from South Africa that suggests that Homo sapiens may not have been the first species to use controlled fire. Fossil remains of Homo naledi were discovered in...
Is Bacteria Hiding on Mars? Indestructible Microbe “Conan the Bacterium” Suggests There Is

Is Bacteria Hiding on Mars? Indestructible Microbe “Conan the Bacterium” Suggests There Is

Could there be living bacteria sheltered deep beneath the frozen and desiccated surface of the planet Mars? According to a team of experts, there very well could be. Microbes might have been...
Neanderthal and modern human skulls. Source: Bruder / Adobe Stock

Big Difference Between Neanderthal and Modern Human Brains Discovered

Neanderthals, a subspecies of archaic humans who split from modern humans sometime between 300,000 and 80,000 years ago, have been the subject of a new study. This study has revealed the presence of...
Researchers Find Evidence that Teeth Evolved from The Scales of Sharks

Researchers Find Evidence that Teeth Evolved from The Scales of Sharks

When it comes to determining the origin of various body parts and systems in mammals and other creatures, evolutionary scientists are confronted with an endless number of complex puzzles to solve...
Geneticist contemplating his DNA dataset. Source: Grispb / Adobe Stock

Conclusions About Ancient Populations May be Drastically Wrong Due to Dodgy Method

Hundreds of thousands of peer-reviewed papers in genetics employ a method called Principal Component Analysis. But new research shows this method is highly biased. This means that multitudes of major...
Farmer milking cow. Source: / Adobe Stock

Ancient People Drank Milk Even Though They Were All Lactose Intolerant

A team of international scientists has just completed a comprehensive study of ancient European milk drinking habits. They wanted to see if there was a connection between increased milk consumption...
Reconstruction of the Peking man skull. Source: kevinzim / CC BY 2.0

Peking Man and China’s Paleontological Nationalism

At the beginning of the 20th century, a team of international paleontologists prepared to excavate a cave located in a limestone formation known as Dragon-Bone Hill, a few hours outside of Beijing...
Evidence of Denisovans in Southeast Asia is growing one tooth at a time based on the recent find in Laos. The molar attributed to a young female individual of the extinct human species called the Denisovans was found in cave Tam Ngu Hao 2 in northeastern Laos.	Source: Fabrice Demeter / Handout via Reuters

Denisovan Girl’s Tooth Is First Physical Evidence of Denisovans in Southeast Asia!

A team of archaeologists and anthropologists recovered an exceptionally rare molar tooth fossil from a cave in northern Laos. While the fossil bears some resemblance to the teeth of modern humans, a...
Brown bear penis bones. Source: Didier Descouens / CC BY-SA 4.0

What Do Dogs and Other Mammals Have That Humans Don’t? A Penis Bone

In a place before time, life somehow emerged on Earth. It grew and flourished. It changed. It split, and some of it went its different ways. There was life in the water and life on the land. Some...
A facial reconstruction of Homo floresiensis, which Forth’s book views as a transitional species between primates and hominins. Source: Cicero Moraes et alii / CC BY 4.0

Is Ancient Human Species Homo Floresiensis Still Alive in Indonesia?

In his newly published book Between Ape and Human , retired anthropologist Gregory Forth breaks the taboo that normally separates traditional anthropological and zoological research from...
Evolution of Europeans. Source: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

Neolithic Revolution Spurred Mental and Physical Growth of Europeans

New research just published in the journal Frontiers in Genetics reveals fascinating details about the evolution of Europeans, the humans living in Europe during the Neolithic period (10,000 BC to 4,...
Darwin’s notebooks, stolen in 2000-2001, on top of their original box, with the box from “X” at the top. 	Source: Cambridge University Library

Darwin’s Notebooks, Stolen in 2000-2001, Returned in Pink Gift Bag!

Two of Charles Darwin’s notebooks mysteriously vanished from Cambridge University 22 years ago. They have reappeared, in a pink gift bag, but nobody on campus or in the police force has a clue where...
Study shows prehistoric man used hand gestures to communicate. Source: Zemler / Adobe Stock

Prehistoric Humans Didn’t Grunt Their Ideas - They Used Hand Gestures

A new study has shown that the origins of human communication began with hand gestures, and not sounds. The research team discovered this after tasking volunteers to describe words using grunts and...
