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From the powerful civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, and the Indus Valley, to the fearsome yet sophisticated society of the Vikings, the ancient world was a surprising and challenging place. Here we feature some of the most seminal and influential events and people throughout history, that have helped shape the world we know today.

Invading Norwegian force led by Viking King Harald Hardrada at the Battle of Stamford Bridge.	Source: Public Domain

Unveiling the True Story of the Vikings (Video)

Beyond their depiction as mere raiders, the Vikings emerged as a multifaceted society encompassing various facets of life. From around 790 AD to 1066 AD, they thrived in an era marked by remarkable...
The Crowning with Thorns (c. 1603) by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571–1610).  Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum) in Vienna. Source: Adam Ján Figeľ/Adobe/Stock

Caravaggio, The Artist Who Died For His Art (Video)

Caravaggio, the charismatic artist of the Baroque era, left an undeniable mark on the art world with his revolutionary chiaroscuro technique, which brought an unparalleled depth and drama to his...
The ancient Mesoamerican board game ‘Patolli’ board from Ancient Origins. Source: Ancient Origins

Reviving Patolli: The Ancient Mesoamerican Game of Strategy and Fortune

Patolli, an ancient game of strategy and chance, once captivated the minds and hearts of Mesoamerica. It is one of the oldest games known in the Americas, with evidence for it being found in cultures...
Left; Bust of Greek Philosopher Plato. Right; the carbonized Herculaneum papyri being studied.	Source: Left; CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Plato’s Final Resting Place in Athens Revealed!

The revolutionary scanning and study of the Herculaneum papyri has revealed remarkable new details about the philosopher Plato, including the precise location of his burial. This significant...
Relief sculpture of the subject people of the Achaemenian Empire in Apadana Palace, Persepolis, Iran. Source: Mohammad Nouri/ Adobe Stock

What Pressures Caused the Fall of the Achaemenid Empire? (Video)

The Achaemenid Empire , spanning from Egypt to India, epitomized grandeur and power under illustrious rulers like Cyrus the Great and Darius the Great. Their astute governance and military conquests...
AI Image of Vikings Raids.  Source: Альберт Гизатулин /Adobe Stock

The Brutal Reality of Viking Raids (Video)

In the annals of history, the year 793 marked a chilling turning point for the tranquil lands of Northumbria. Legends spun tales of ominous storms and mythical dragons hovering over Lindisfarne...
A Chinese prisoner who has tried to escape is lying on the ground while a man wearing a red jacket is cutting his ankles with a sword. Colored stipple print by J. Dadley, 1801.Source: Wellcome Collection/ Public Domain

Amputation Found to be Elite Punishment in 550 BC

A team of researchers recently completed a study into the origins of two ancient skeletons from China that were both missing parts of their lower leg at the time they were buried. Based on extensive...
Pantheon of Agrippa at night. Rome, Italy. Source: euclem/Adobe Stock

Exploring The Pantheon of Agrippa (Video)

The Pantheon of Agrippa , erected in 25 BC during Marcus Agrippa's consulship, exemplifies ancient Roman architectural ingenuity. Initially featuring a grand porch leading to a rotunda, its...
Image and name of Cerdic, from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Source: Paul Harper

King Cerdic of Wessex’s Burial Site Claimed to be Found!

More than a millennium after its mention in an ancient royal charter, the possible final resting place of Wessex founder Cerdic has come to light. An enigmatic figure from the same era as the...
AI image of ancient Greek civilization, a Greek temple ruins with a female goddess statue.

Fascinating Facts About the Hellenistic Age (Video)

The Hellenistic Age , spanning from 336 to 31 BC, emerged in the wake of Alexander the Great's conquests, which disseminated Greek culture across Europe, Asia, and Africa. Following his demise, his...
Henry IV and Joan of Navarre, detail of their effigies in Canterbury Cathedral. Source: Nilfanion/CC BY-SA 4.0

Henry IV: Crown, Conflict, Consequence

Henry IV of England, reigning from 1399 to 1413, stands as a figure of intrigue amidst the tumultuous tapestry of English history. His ascent to the throne, shrouded in political machinations and...
King Henry and Anne Boleyn Deer shooting in Windsor Forest by William Powell Frith, 1903. Source: Public Domain

Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII: Tudor Love's Turbulent Tale (Video)

The relationship between Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII was a rollercoaster ride of scandal, ambition, and tragedy that kept the Tudor court on its toes. From the moment Henry laid eyes on Anne, despite...
Left; The excavation site at Somma Vesuviana. Credit: Right; Augustus Caesar of Prima Porta statue. 	Source: Left; University of Tokyo Foundation.  Right; Vatican Museums/CC BY-SA 4.0

Villa Where Augustus Died May Have Been Excavated Near Mount Vesuvius

Archaeologists from the University of Tokyo has excavated what may be the remains of the Villa of Augustus, a first-century grand estate that was built near Somma Vesuviana, a town located in the...
Painting by Francisco Goya depicting an auto de fé, an act of public penance carried out between the 15th and 19th centuries of condemned heretics and apostates imposed by the Inquisition, based on first-hand accounts. Source: Public Domain

Dark Deeds and Divine Justice: Life of a Spanish Inquisitor (Video)

Over a span of more than three centuries, the Spanish Inquisition wielded power with an iron fist, enforcing Catholic orthodoxy and rooting out heresy with ruthless efficiency. The daily routine of a...
AI portrait of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh king. Source: Andrea Raffin/Adobe Stock

Why Did Egyptian Pharaohs Have Five Names?

Ancient Egyptian pharaohs were not merely rulers; they were considered divine beings, the living embodiments of gods on Earth. Their names were imbued with profound significance, reflecting their...
Painting by Englishman John White of Sir Walter Raleigh’s 1590 Expedition to Roanoke Island to find the Lost Colony, where they found “Croatoan” carved on a tree. This may refer to either Croatoan Island or the Croatoan people. Source: Public Domain

The Mystery of Roanoke Colony’s Disappearance (Video)

The Roanoke Colony's mysterious disappearance, led by John White, stands as a profound enigma in the annals of early American history. Embarking on multiple expeditions to the New World, White and...
Left; Carved pendant plaque of a human head from the burial. Right; Jade Mask in fragments. Source: C. Halperin/Antiquity

Ritual Burning of Royal Remains Marked Maya Regime Change

Researchers in Guatemala have unearthed fascinating evidence of a dramatic ritual burning of royal remains, pointing to a significant political shift in the ancient Maya city of Ucanal. This find not...
The Age of Discovery, a time when Portuguese explorers journeyed across the world. Source: oleskalashnik/Adobe Stock

Portuguese Empire and the Age of Exploration (Video)

During the Age of Exploration , Portugal's strategic location and maritime expertise propelled it to the forefront of global exploration and trade. With its extensive coastline and rich fishing...
Nanzhao Tahu Temple, Weibaoshan Mountain, Dali, Yunnan, China. Source: hu/Adobe Stock

Nanzhao: A Lost Kingdom in Southern China (Video)

Nanzhao , situated in the rugged terrain of southern China, flourished as a formidable kingdom between the 8th and 10th centuries. Unified from disparate tribes, it repelled Chinese invasions and...
Samurai in Medieval Japan. Source: Public Domain

Samurais, Shoguns, Etas and the Social Pyramid of Medieval Japan (Video)

The structure of medieval Japan was characterized by a complex social hierarchy that shaped the lives and interactions of its people. Rooted in centuries-old traditions and influenced by...
Image of a woman from a pre-Roman tribe, possibly the Dobunni of ancient Britain. Source: Stanislav/Adobe Stock

Dobunni Tribe Thrived as Peaceful Ancient Farmers of the Cotswolds

The ancient Dobunni tribe holds a significant place in the Celtic era of British history, and its legacy is etched deeply into the fabric of pre-Roman Britain. Hailing from the area now known as...
Saladin and Guy de Lusignan after battle of Hattin in 1187. Source: Public Domain

Saladin - Conqueror of the Kingdom of Heaven (Video)

Saladin , known as the "Conqueror of the Kingdom of Heaven," emerges from history as a figure of profound complexity and greatness. Born in 1137 in modern-day Iraq, he navigated the tumultuous...
Representative image of Egyptian blue pigment. Source: Pattadis / Adobe Stock

Tracing the Legacy of Egyptian Blue: From Ancient Artifacts to Modern Insights

Egyptian blue, known in the scientific community as calcium copper silicate, has come to be recognized as a pioneering feat of human creativity. With origins speculated to precede 3000 BC, Egyptian...
Sex scene in ancient fresco in Pompeii in the Casa delle Lupanare. Source: BlackMac/Adobe Stock

Roman Brothels, the Controversial Ancient Societal Hubs

Ancient Rome had a very vibrant and complex society, where prostitution played a major role. It was legal, licensed, and very common. In fact, brothels occupied a unique and controversial position in...
